Thursday, July 18, 2019

Юпитер и Меркуриус

Юпитер и Меркуриус

(78 letters, 18 words)
"(Acts 14:12 [KJV]) And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker." = 812 = 14 × 58,
769 = (169), 726 = 6 × 11 × 11, 718 = 2 × 359
(31 letters, 3 words) "BarnabasJupiter; and PaulMercurius" = 353
(16 letters, 2 words) "Jupiter; Mercurius" = 226
"Jupiter99; Mercurius127" = 254 = 2 × 127, 
99 = 9 * 11, PR#9 > 41, PR#11 > 47, 41 + 47 = 88, Осем видими без телескоп планети, така Юпитер се пада №6 и 47 е "павлово число" №6. ПЧ 41 и 47 показват 4-те спътника, 4-тата броено наобратно и седмата по ред от слънцето планета.
127 е ПЧ№27, 12*7 = 84, 84 е десетата двойка в ПИ, 12 е символ на десетичната цифрова система, а 7 е последната цифра, която се появява в редицата на ПИ.
(124 letters, 29 words)
"(Acts 14:13 [KJV]) Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people." = 1446 = 6 × 241,  1403 = 23 × 61, 1360 = 80 × 17, 1351 = 7 × 193.
(18 letters, 4 words) "the priest of Jupiter" = 240

(194 letters, 49 words)
"(Acts 19:35 [KJV]) And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter?" = 
2208 = 32 × 3 × 23 >> 3*3 - 3 - 13
2165 = 5 × 433, 2122 = 2 × 1061, 2104 = 8 × 263
(17 letters, 3 words) "great goddess Diana" = 153 = 27*39
"the33 great84 goddess73 Diana29" = 225
"the city of the Ephesians" = 240
"Ephesus" = 93

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