Sunday, March 29, 2020

The only place in KJV with number 1972.


The only place in KJV with number 1972.

Book#38, Zechariah 11

Backwards #28

929 chapters in the Old Testament, 929 - 7 = 922,

Backwards #268 = 2 × 2 × 67

(2023 letters, 570 words) 23484 = 12×19×103

(1972 letters, 553 words) 22753 = 61×373

(1904 letters, 536 words) 22039 = PR#2466

(1904 letters, 502 words) 21924 = 27×2×2×7×29

2023 = 7 × 17 × 17,

1972 = 2 × 2 × 17 × 29,

1904 = 4 × 4 × 7 × 17 = 16 * 119,

570 = 30 × 19,

553 = 73 × 7,

536 = 67 × 8,

502 = 2 × 251=PR#50

23484 = 23 × 2^10 - 68.

22753 = 48^2 + 143^2 = 73^2 + 132^2

22753^2 = 12095^2 + 19272^2 = 13728^2 + 18145^2

22039 + 1 = 2^3 × 5 × 19 × 29,

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